— Preface —

This is the story of the life of a strange, inhuman girl called Amy.

Amy is a character who’s had lots of reiterations over the years as I’ve tried to write her. From an innocent teen with a crush on her best friend to an outcasted socialite with a hidden violent streak, and then an emotionless husk who keeps up a human-like disposition and hides her core cares close in her mind and heart.

This current version of her is some sort of amalgamation of them all. In fact, the only part of her that’s stayed relatively consistent is how much she keeps her true feelings about things away from others’ knowledge. (Partially inspired by my own lack of heart on my sleeves.)

She’s a character who’s grown with me from my own early teens; what with pre-pubescent and high-school long-term crushes, inner doubts + fears, and emotional fragility. I don’t know if I’ll ever get her characterization truly “right” since I’ve always seen her and Jack’s tale to be lifelong.

Just like how circumstances and environments get people to change; even as simple as being inconsistent depending on who they are around, I’ve always felt the same to be true for these two social chameleon types.

With spoiled rich kids with superpowers, access to alien spaceships, and the ab/para-normal going on daily, all I wanted to know was, what kinds of trouble could they manage to get themselves into on a daily basis?

At its core, it’s just a story about an overly curious girl, with an obsessive and cold nature. One who is lonely at her core and severely emotionally repressed.

I hope as I’m growing within my own life tale, I can do her and Jack’s some sort of justice.


This storysite is a bit of an experiment of mine.

Over the years, I’ve read lots of works and love browsing the comments sections for reader commentary. So this is a disclaimer: As you read along there will probably be some comments about how “this author clearly didn’t plan out/think through all these details/plotholes!”

And you’d be right.

Unlike a lot of works that have every detail and foreshadowing down to a T, I’ve taken a much different approach to storytelling through a digital blogging medium.

This is a story that is as much about telling and showing you the world-building and development of the setting as it is the actual story, if not more so. The plot is more like following a life than a set-in-stone character with a “goal”. And even frequently changes perspective to get another view of the world. A slice-of-life with some drama and action sprinkled in, and some plot points peppered about, really.

I don’t know how this is going to turn out, but I hope you enjoy the storysite experience and journey all the same.


Thanks for reading,

Moni D.


The Main Timeline — Chapter I.