Heathestone Estate

Homebase to Amy, our main protagonist.

Home to the extended human-fae lineage of the Lambert family.

A Little Bit Different in Every Time

In each timeline, not just the characters, but even the foundations of the worlds and dimensions vary, from little by little to leaps and bounds in the direction everything took.

Heathestone is no exception to this.

In one version of the timeline, Heathestone lies somewhere near the Rocky Mountains, but not our world’s Rocky’s.

Instead, the Rocky’s of that timeline were carved out of the eastern side of the US Territory.

They lie along the Eastern Shore, starting somewhere in the singular state of Calorin and stopping somewhere under Northern York.

The specific coordinates of which even I, who tell their story, am not privy to, as this timeline of the Lambert family is the most secretive of all the versions.

In another timeline, Heathestone lies in the West Coast of the United States of America, in an alternate universe not so different in geography to our own.

It lies somewhere hidden in the valleys of an alternate version of Napa, California.

Due to the magical nature of the area, sometimes it lies on a similar plane of existance as the nearby cities and wine country, and sometimes it almost seems to exist within a field of it’s own.

This version of Heathestone is heavily scrutinized by the government for it’s strange magical energies and high alien activity.

In another timeline entirely, Heathestone is once again on the Northeastern Coast of the United States, but no longer by a mountain range.

Consistencies Across the Board:

  • Always by a seashore/beach area at the back of the property.

  • Always near a tainted swamp area (the reasons for which vary from timeline to timeline).

  • Always has underground tunnels (both magical and human-built).

Other Settings:

Within the World of Ongoing Serial

Amongst the many settings our protagonists travel unto, many more can be found here.